The worlds first to achieve a production scale MoO3 with a purity of 99.9999%+

Rareum is fully privately owned company that specializes on rare and precious metals purification. With a patented technology and scientists from CIS region Rareum brings to Malaysia a world first mass production of 99.9999%+ purity of molybdenum. The production capacity starts from 300 kg a day. Closed circuit production has absolutely no harm to environment or any poisonous wastes.
Company has more than 10 years of RND and is now moving its headquarters to Malaysia to continue its research at the new lab and production center setup in Kuala Lumpur. New factory and lab gives opportunity for local scientists to be involved and work together with us on a new technological breakthrough.
No. 56-3, 3rd Floor, Jalan Radin Tengah, Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.